The Water Offsets Institute is borne out of the realisation that the global water issues that we must address, are complicated, immense and universal.
We will need new insights.
We will need to prove and test different concepts, ideas and approaches.
We will need to think outside the box, and innovate new systems and tools.
The advent of climate change, recurrent droughts, escalating urban migration puts extraordinary pressure of what is increasingly becoming a scarce resource. It is necessary to create working parties incorporating our research and innovation team, academic research bodies, universities, businesses, governments and communities. The Water Offsets Institute is think tank advancing knowledge exchange, information sharing and capacity building as we thrive to work with governments, communities, businesses and cities to deliver water resilience and water neutrality globally.
Insights + Research + Innovate
Institute Team
The Institute has adopted the principles of applied research and experimental innovations: testing assumptions, advancing academic models through real-world application, and creating new software and technologies on live Pilot Projects with communities, businesses, cities and governments that we serve. Participatory is key to advancing policy change, building capacity and changing mindsets.

Tapiwa Gavaza
Watertech Innovator
Erika Azevedo
LATAM Innovation Lead

Nikhar Parikh
GIS & Data Analyst
Cameron Cook
Software Data Engineer

Dr Ara Carballo Meilan
Chemical Eng. Data Analyst

Software Data Engineer

Ramon Cantu
Biotech Innovator
City Resilience Design
Climate Resilience Expert
B&G Infrastructure
Technical & Research Advisors

Prof Anja du Plessis
Research Consultant

Prof Martin Tillotson
Research Consultant

Dr Anncarol Karanja
Research Consultant
Participatory Research Projects

We are currently leading the research on water resilience & hydro citizenship on the Catchment to Coast project. The projects is a £200 million funded DEFRA and Environment Agency project. Our remit on this applied research covers the design of innovative flood mitigations measures using SuDS, blue and green infrastructure.
We are currently working on a solution to help treat polluted water using Biotech. A breakthrough with this technology will help address the recurrent water pollution issues that are occurring at scale downstream of sewer treatment works.
Refer to this link for further details on the Catchment to Coast project.

We are working on a Prince's Foundation led initiative to facilitate the capacity building of SME developers in the United Kingdom in light of the many regulatory water and environmental requirements. Our work on this project is to deliver a blue print for SME developers that will allow them to work in consortia with large estates so that they can benefit from the opportunity to address environmental considerations at scale.
We are leading in the delivery of of a best practice guide that will address the design of blue and green infrastructure, and meet the requirements of BNG Credits and Water Neutrality Credits. Thus increase the competitiveness of SME who are experiencing significant levels of decline. The project has won a KTP ward to recruit an Associate who will help manage the research and various work streams. For more details use this link to visit Regional Builders Hub KTP award being hosted by UCEM.

In conjunction with the Society for the Environment, we are leading on the formulation of a participatory research on how the high water stressed areas of southern England could benefit from targeted aquifer recharge as part of the delivery of Local Plans.
Currently the UK Water industry does not consider the complete hydrological cycle of water. No consideration is given to actively capture surface water runoff and recharge into aquifers. In most instances this water is left to runoff, pollute and in some instances flood downstream properties. On the other had Local Authorities are mandated to deliver Local Development Plans which do not consider opportunities to capture high quality rainwater to recharge aquifers. Which is a missed opportunity given that the UK is currently over mInning its aquifers by nearly 700 million litres a day. Increasingly the UK is experiencing recurrent droughts.

Water Resilience Successes
We are delivering water resilient cities and communities with partners
and clients in many sectors around the world.

Water Efficient Tourism:
Global Sustainable Tourism
and Ecotourism Sector

UK & Global Water Problems
The United Kingdom is blighted by many water issues; failing infrastructure, rapid urbanisation, population growth and many pollution incidents. Increasingly climate change
is causing drought and flood extremes.
We are helping deliver water resilience in some of the most water scarce regions of the world.

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